Sunday, May 10, 2015

Why Phytonutrients?


Phytonutrients are organic compounds found in plants that can help promote human health. The term “phyto” originates from a Greek word meaning plant.   The rich sources of phytonutrients are fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and teas.

Examples of Phytonutrients

  • Lutein/ Zeaxanthin
  • Glucosinolates
  • Lycopene
  • Ellagic Acid
  • Quercetin
  • Anthocyanidins
  • Alpha-carotene
  • Beta-carotene
  • Hesperidin
  • Beta-cryptoxanthin

Health Benefits of Phytonutrients

  • Support growth and development
  • Promote vision and cellular health
  • Support blood vessel and heart health 
  • Strengthen bone and joint health
  • Enhance prostate and lung health

      Thursday, April 3, 2014

      Do You Need Supplementation?

      You need supplementation if:
      1. You have a stressful lifestyle.  
      2. You always eat instant food.
      3. You don't eat fruits.   
      4. You don't eat vegetables.
      5. You don't eat pork.
      6. You don't eat fish.
      7. You don't eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
      8. You don't eat enough food.
      9. You smoke at least 5 sticks a day.
      10. You drink at least 5 glasses of alcohol in a week.
      11. You have vitamin deficiency.
      12. You have mineral deficiency.
      13. You have phytonutrient deficiency.
      14. Your immune system is weak.

      Sunday, March 30, 2014

      Questions About Phytonutrients

      1. Do we really need phytonutrients?
      2. What is the best phytonutrient?
      3. Can phytonutrients prevent cancer?
      4. Which is better, phytonutrients or vitamins?   
      5. Which is better, phytonutrients or minerals?
      6. Which food supplement has phytonutrients?
      7. Can we classify phytonutrients according to colors?

      Tuesday, April 23, 2013

      What Is Stevia?

      What is Stevia?

      Is Stevia Safe?

      Monday, April 22, 2013

      Health Benefits of Stevia

      Almost everybody wants to have a great sweet tasting coffee drink and Stevia is one of the sugar substitutes that can actually add a dose of sweetness to your everyday coffee.

      Stevia is a class of shrub and herb which is in the sunflower family.  It is commonly known as sweet leaf and sugar leaf because of its sweet taste.   Stevia plants are native to the rainforests of Paraguay.   According to history, Paraguay’s Guarani Indians have been using Stevia to enhance the taste of their beverages and medicines for more than 1500 years.    In fact, the word “Stevia” originated from the name, Petrus Jacobus Stevus, a Spanish botanist and physician who researched about Stevia plants in 1500s.

      According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Stevia has some sweet compounds which do not have any carcinogenic activity. It contains most of the important vitamins and minerals required for good health.   Since it is a plant, it has a lot of phytonutrients.  

      According to research, the following are the health benefits of Stevia:
      1. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels
      2. Lowers elevated blood pressure (hypertension)
      3. Reduces gas and stomach acidity
      4. Good for obesity
      5. Good for hair and scalp
      6. Good for gums and teeth
      7. Can increases energy level
      8. Can increases mental acuity
      9. May help with wrinkles, fine lines, skin blemishes, dermatitis, eczema, acne outbreaks, scarring, rashes, itchiness, chapped lips and other skin problems

      Sunday, December 4, 2011

      Systemic Viral Illness

      What is Systemic Viral Illness?

      Fever that is caused by a virus is commonly termed Systemic Viral Illness or Influenza or Flu. Most commonly these viruses are Influenza A or Influenza B. The infection spreads fast via airborne droplets by coughing or sneezing and by direct contact. This disease is usually not serious among young and healthy adults, who normally recover from it even without treatment, but it can be fatal among the elderly and those with heart or lung ailments.


      1. Fever
      2. Chills
      3. Body aches (joints and muscles)
      4. Red watery eyes
      5. Cough
      6. Congested or runny nose
      7. sore throat
      8. Headache
      9. Tiredness
      10. Weakness
      11. Loss of appetite
      12. Diarrhea


      1. Take a complete rest in a well-ventilated room until the disease clears up.
      2. Drink plenty of fluids but do not take alcohol
      3. Take antifever medicine but avoid aspirin
      4. Take a cough medicine if needed
      5. Take a cough suppressant for dry cough and an expectorant for productive cough
      6. Consult your doctor